Identification Charts

Stealth Fighter

Our hand-crafted charts are very easy to use. No complicated instructions or VCR-like manuals here. No.

Simply choose from the categories listed in the menu (left) and then compare the object you can’t identify with the silhouettes on the chart.

Yes. It really is that easy. Just match the shapes, read off the name (reading out-loud generally works best) and you’ll be fairly sure what it is you’re looking at.

Can’t match the shapes?

Don't panic. Send us a quick sketch and we’ll see what we can do. (No rude sketches please - Mrs. WhichOneIsIt is blessed with a sensitive nature). See the contacts section for more details.


If you think you might be in some danger from, say, an angry pachyderm, but you’re not sure which pachyderm, or even if the pachydermata order is still zoologically valid, don’t stop to make a sketch; have a good old look over your shoulder as you run away and make your sketch later, from memory. Death can seriously affect the quality of your drawings.