Identifying: Pâtisserie

The French do many things well. Wine, towers and bridges are but three from a long list. However, perhaps their greatest achievement was the invention of the maître pâtissier - a chap intent on pleasuring your taste-buds with sweet pastries. But, as we all know, pâtisserie can be very confusing at times - you crave some, but you don’t always know which is which.

Well, all that’s a thing of the past now - just print-out this handy chart and keep it with you at all times. Result: Pâtissier-perfect pâtisserie purchased promptly. Craving satisfied. Woo.

Objects shown below are: NOT TO SCALE.

Pain au Chocolat

Pain au Chocolat

Apple Turnover

Apple Turnover

Blackberry Turnover

Blackberry Turnover

Bakewell Tart

Bakewell Tart

Chocolate Eclair

Chocolate Eclair



Eccles Cake

Eccles Cake

Tarte Citron

Tarte Citron

Vanilla Slice

Vanilla Slice